Notice to Producers,
You are Invited- May 1: Meeting of steering committee and interested parties
A preliminary steering committee has been put together for this proposal. A funding application have been submitted. We have begun collecting a list of interested parties.
We have set a meeting time on May 1 from 4-7 pm at TRU in Williams Lake. The room number will be posted at the entrance to TRU. We will have the Dean of Science from TRU, Tom Dickinson attending via web conferencing.
Please attend if you can. If you know others that should attend please let me know and pass this information on to them.
I am attaching a one page summary of the proposed Centre of Excellence.
Summary BC Meats Center of Excellence Dec 2017
I am looking forward to seeing you all.
Out agenda will include:
- Scope of the project
- Business models: prospect of a value chain for an abattoir
- Steering committee membership
- Updates: funding applications and completed work ( Ministry of Agriculture funded proposal development work)
- Information needs (cost of production data for example) and gaps known at this time
- Contributions to project by project partners eg. In kind from managers and accountants on production costs of value chain members.
Please advise if you are attending by return email to David :
David Zirnhelt/Acting Chair Steering Committee CoE